Easy-install siltcurtain

By nils@undervannsarbeid.no

We now offer easy-install siltcurtain for contractors WAENS is noticing an increased demand for silt curtains that can be delivered quickly and that the contractor can easily lay out himself. We have therefore started making…

Heavy duty silt curtains

By nils@undervannsarbeid.no

For the construction of Norways longest Railway Bridge, Waens installs heavy duty silt curtains that withstand ice, currents and wind. Environmental authorities often require silt curtains for construction work in sea, lakes and waterways. All…

Marine infrastructure works

By nils@undervannsarbeid.no

Waens working with subsea pipelines and threncing in lake Mjøsa, Norway Waens main work area is protection of marine environment, but the knowledge and experience of our staff can also be useful in marine  construction. …