Services for the water environment


Waens offers all types of silt curtains, the best for separating polluted, turbid water from the clean water body. We deliver everything from simple prefabricated curtains to site-built, all at competitive prices!

Siltgardin ved utfylling
Silt curtain for landfill


Bubble curtains protect marine life and aquaculture facilities from underwater noise and pressure waves from, for example, blasting or piling.

They can also limit silt spreading and they can keep ports and power plants ice-free.

Boblegardin sjursøya
Bubble curtain protects cod spawning area in the Oslo fjord, as a contractor is blasting underwater rock in the harbour fairway.


WAENS deploys buoys that provide online monitoring of a number of factors in the water environment, especially turbidity (particle content). But also other factors such as temperature, chemical conditions, current, etc. can be monitored online.

In this way, the client and contractor can keep track of whether the environmental measures are working.

Målebøye for turbiditet
Turbidity buoy

Want to know more about siltation and turbidity? Check out our information page on siltation measures with video!