We now offer easy-install siltcurtain for contractors
WAENS is noticing an increased demand for silt curtains that can be delivered quickly and that the contractor can easily lay out himself. We have therefore started making such curtains in new production facilities. They can be delivered in big bags or on trailers to the customer’s site, and if desired, anchoring material, marker buoys and other items can be supplied.
These silt curtains are designed for easy laying, and instructions for laying, anchoring and maintenance are included. See the video below:
The silt curtain can be delivered in bigbags or on trailer
Complet anchoring setop may be included
Get a quick price qoute for your prefab siltcurtain
Name, email and message must be filled in. If you state length and depth and write in the message if you want anchors, you will get a price quickly. Otherwise, we will contact you as soon as possible.